About Me

My name is Sarah, I'm 15 years young and I am a friend, sister, and a lover of food. 
I am relatively lazy person and I wanted this year to be different. I want to proactive throughout the year and have lots of fun memories with my friends and family. 

50 things about me:
  1. I live in Mombasa, Kenya.
  2. I am 5 ft 9" (Very tall and disproportional)
  3. I have such amazing friends
  4. I have one older sister.
  5. I want to be more outgoing and adventurous this year.
  6. I have one very fat cat.
  7. When I grow up, I want to own my own bakery.
  8. I like taking really long showers.
  9. I consider myself to be a Global Citizen.
  10. I am horrible at spelling.
  11. I am really stubborn.
  12. I am a tumblr addict.
  13. I am currently doing the IB program.
  14. I am in DP1 (Year 12).
  15. I have such a sweet tooth.
  16. I love watching movies and series.
  17. When I love a song, I will play it repeatedly for days on end.
  18. I am really lazy.
  19. I have horrible eye sight.
  20. I have lived in 3 different countries on 2 different continents, in 5 different houses. 
  21. I love food.
  22. I am terrified of snakes and lizards.
  23. I love shopping.
  24. I have never physically been in snow (Only seen it by the side of the road and snowflakes).
  25. I like making lists and being organised, but when it comes down to it, I never follow through.
  26. I am a terrible procrastinator.
  27. I love holidays.
  28. I am really clumsy.
  29. I am atheist.
  30. I am a very socially awkward person.
  31. I am an impatient person.
  32. I have low tolerance for rude people.
  33. I loves animals.
  34. I can't dance, but love to.
  35. I love Sci-Fi and fantasy books.
  36. I want to travel the world.
  37. I want to learn how to surf.
  38. I used to be a really good swimmer.
  39. I hate horror movies.
  40. I can't wait until I am living on my own.
  41. I am a really good whistler.
  42. I love coffee and tea.
  43. I have only broken one bone and that was my baby toe.
  44. I have never been to a official concert before. 
  45. I have 6 piercing, all on my ears.
  46. Even if I know I am wrong in a argument, I will continue to argue.
  47. I cannot touch my toes.
  48. I love anything lemon.
  49. I am closest to my dad.
  50. I love cooking and baking and cooking.

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